Join us for 24 hour Adoration every First Friday of the month.
Watch how devotion to the Sacred Heart started
Exposition of the Eucharist is immediately after the 8:30 am First Friday Mass and ends in benediction before First Saturday 8:30 am Mass (except on months when First Saturday occurs before First Friday).
All other Fridays, Adoration is after the daily 8:30 am Mass and ends in Benediction at 4 pm.
We encourage sign ups for 24 hour Adoration with your preferred date and time to spend at least an hour with our Lord. This ensures that someone is with our Lord at all times.
Scan the QR code or click here to signup
If you can’t commit to a time, please drop by. Walk-in’s are welcome!
Don’t know what to do? Start with a few minutes, enjoy the quiet and be open to listen to Him. Download the Fifteen Minute Adoration
The Adoration Chapel is located behind the Main Sanctuary.
You may enter from the left side of the church near the outdoor statue of our Blessed Mary.
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