The Legion of Mary,
St. Elizabeth Seton’s prayer warriors will be praying for you.


The Legion of Mary meets every Thursday afternooon from 4 pm – 5:30 pm at the Conference Center Room 1.
Join us in praying for our brothers and sisters!
For more information about Legion of Mary or if you wish to email your prayer request directly, please send them to [email protected]

For your privacy, your email address will not be displayed on the Prayer Wall.  We are only requesting for a valid email address if you wish to receive the number of times your request have been prayed for via email.  It will also allow you to edit your prayer or close your answered prayers. Prayer Requests will be posted on the Prayer Wall for 9 months.

If you wish to remain anonymous, leave the email address field blank. You may still see the number of times you were prayed for by visiting the Prayer Wall, but you will not receive any email notification or be able to edit/close your prayer request.
“Before you go to bed, give your troubles to God…He will be up all night anyways.”

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