This is a wholistic model of sharing the faith for parents who seek to make concrete faith connections in every area of family life. There is a meeting for parents only on the first Sunday of the month from 8:30 am – 9:15 am. Families study and do projects together the other weeks of the month.
For this model we will use Loyola Press’ new 2021 version of Finding God texts and Venture flyers.
Online Model
While we strongly believe that in person study is the ideal, those who are not in the sacramental preparation year can take advantage of an online option if necessary.
Sacramental Preparation
Students must spend two years in the religious education program and be in at least the second grade to be eligible to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Parents attend two retreats with their children who also attend an opening session.
Please contact Patty Mann at 760.607.5014 or [email protected] to learn more about this process.
We have conducted background checks and training for every adult involved with religious education, Sunday programs (nursery and the preschool class during 9:30 am Mass), Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPs), and child care for the Women’s Christian Fellowship.
The training of children to avoid compromising situations (in grades 1-8) focuses upon the
No-Go-Tell poster.
This poster was developed by the Diocese of San Diego. Notice the poster is general in tone and does not focus on any specifics. The training for the students is also general in tone and does not point to any specific topic or person. The training is done annually in mid-October.
A document with Diocesan policies and Child Protective Services details may be viewed here. We thank you for your full cooperation in promoting a Safe Environment for our children.
Reporting Sexual Abuse (Posted May 2020)
Sexual Abuse Compensation Program
The Independent Victim Compensation Program (ICP), a program sponsored by the Diocese of San Diego to assist victim-survivors who were abused as minors by priests of this diocese, are accepting applications. The ICP is independent and not controlled by the Church. There is no time limit on when the abuse may have taken place. The program will consider all claims, regardless of how long ago the abuse occurred. No attorney is necessary and there are no fees of any kind. U.S. Residency is also not required. To report an incident . For more information, please contact Mary Acosta, Victim Assistance Coordinator, at 858.490.8353 or [email protected]