Risen (Easter Bulletin)
He lives! Jesus Christ is risen today! These few words awaken a great hope within us today as they did for the disciples over two thousand years ago when they were first proclaimed by the first witnesses to the resurrection. Jesus lives. The life of Christ continues and he invites all of us today to a share in eternal life. The hope of the continuing presence of Jesus Christ among us is assured and we may even now continue to walk in his presence.

source: askideas.com
The news of the resurrection of Jesus strikes us like a light dawning in the darkness. When the darkest part of the night had drawn over us and hope seemed only a distant memory the light of Christ once again dawned upon our world. For a time it seemed as if death had won a final victory, it seemed as if man’s cruelty and pride had no limit, it seemed as if sadness, weakness, bitterness and fear would be man’s daily bread and then the dawn of the good news of Christ’s resurrection gave us a new reason to hope.
In our world today it can at times seem as if death and darkness are slowly becoming more and more prevalent. Daily we hear news of death and destruction. We hear of hatred and anger. We hear of another young person that attacks his classmates at school or of new areas of violence in the Middle East. We hear of the erosion of so much of what had been our hope for life, families, national pride and identity, communities, legal and political systems, everything seems to be falling under a shadow and the shadows seem to deepen and the darkness is felt even in our own hearts. There are times when people will reflect back and say that they can’t remember when they last experienced joy and did not feel the weight of anxieties and fears pressing down upon them. Time and time again politicians and new technologies will come along promising change and a new and better life and yet nothing seems to be able to deliver us from the sense of falling out of control. We are promised new healthcare but it doesn’t quite work the way we envisioned it. We are promised a more stable economic time but each day presents new anxieties. It is this world, a world of dread, doubt, and even despair that needs to hear the good news of the resurrection. It is in this world that the light of Christ must dawn anew and assure us of the victory of life over death and love over violence and hatred. The Risen Christ is the new day dawning in the east!
We need to celebrate Easter. We need to remember that new life can come from the darkness of the tomb. We need to rediscover hope, a hope that will not disappoint us. We need to look again into the empty tomb and see that death has been defeated. Our hope is not in something redeveloped or represented, dressed up in a new package. Our hope is in the new life that comes through the power of God that is within us through the Holy Spirit. Our hope is in the presence of Christ who stays with us throughout our pilgrim journey on this earth. Our hope is in Jesus the Risen Christ and the living Christ that dwells now in the Church and in the heart of every believer that will proclaim him as Lord. Our hope is “Christ in you.”
May the Risen Christ dwell in your hearts and minds and bless your families with peace in this season of Easter. Whatever needs to be brought to new life, whatever needs to be raised up to heaven, whatever needs new hope, may Christ make it new with his presence and light and may it find its way into your heart, home and family. I pray that the joy of the resurrection may find its way into every heart. “The Lord is risen!” May we all be able to respond with that eternal proclamation of gladness and joy: “He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia!”