Salt and Light
A pinch of salt can make all the difference. It seems like a small and insignificant thing since a pinch is such a small amount and yet, if it is left out of the mix, whatever you are preparing will have very little taste and will be bland and unappealing. Salt brings out the natural flavors of whatever food to which it is added. Salt adds flavor and excitement to a dish. When the proper amount of salt has been used, it brings enjoyment to the one who is tasting the food.
Salt is also used as a preservative. When meat, fish or pork is salted, it keeps it from decaying and rotting. If salt was not available to be used then corruption would set in and the meat, pork or fish would be spoiled and harmful to eat. Salt keeps things fresh and healthy. Salt is therefore used by some people as a purifier and protector from evil.
Jesus told his disciples, “You are the salt of the earth.” (Mt 5,13) Disciples are meant to make a difference in the world. They may feel small and insignificant but just a little bit of presence in the world makes the world a better place. The disciple should live in such a manner that they help others to enjoy life more. Life is not meant to be dull, bland and tasteless. When a disciple lives his life as salt, filled with the Spirit and its gifts, then all people benefit and life becomes more sublime. A disciple that is supportive, helpful, kind and generous will salt the world and all those around them and help them to find meaning and purpose in their lives. If a disciple would salt the world with kind remarks, a generous nature and helpful attitudes then they would slowly be transforming the world. The presence of the disciple in the world purifies the world and makes it a holy place. Disciples are called to be holy, and like salt, they purify and preserve our society from evil. Where there is the salted disciple there is no corruption or decay. St. Paul exhorts the Colossians, “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you know how you should respond to each one.” (Col 4,6) As disciples, salt of the earth, we help others to live a more meaningful and joyful life, empowered by the Spirit to build one another up in love.
Jesus also tells us disciples, “You are the light of the world.” (Mt 5,14) Light reveals truth. Light helps us to see and discover the true nature of things. Light makes things luminous and beautiful and it brings beauty into the world. Light casts out darkness and it helps others to walk in the world without losing their way. Light brings with it joy and the possibility for life. When there is light things grow and mature. Disciples are meant to bring light into the world and help others to grow and mature. They are meant to be a source of knowledge and truth. They help others see more clearly the presence of God in the world. Disciples who live in the light of Christ accomplish the work of God in the light of day. Jesus declares, “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” (Jn 9,5) Jesus is the Light of the world and disciples are meant to shine with the light of Christ like a lamp set on a lamp stand so that all may see and benefit from that light.
If a disciple forgets that they are light and salt and neglects to live their life in a manner that helps and benefits others, then they are worth nothing. It is sad when a Christian forgets their call to live a life of discipleship and to be salt and light to others. They miss a great opportunity to glorify God through their faithful use of the gifts that he has given them. The disciple is meant to transform the world through their presence and truly make a difference in the lives of others. If they neglect to use their gifts, then God will take them away and give his gifts to others. Jesus is a living flame of love that lives in the hearts of his disciples, enflamed by the fire of the Holy Spirit. This light is meant to be placed on a lamp stand, a high place in our hearts where it can give light to many others. We cannot hide what God is doing in our lives, we must be living witnesses of his love and power.