The Guiding Star
There was a television show that was called, “Star Search” and it looked for people of hidden talents, future stars that could be discovered living among the ordinary people. The Feast of the Epiphany is God’s own “star search”. We are reminded in our celebration of the Epiphany that we all have hidden star potential. Each of us in baptism becomes a “child of the light” and we are called to allow our stars to shine brightly in an all too often dark world. Jesus reminds us that we are called to be the light of the world and to allow our lights to be seen by all in the world. The star of Bethlehem that we remember today is a guiding star. It leads the Magi across great distances to the Christ-child. It allows them to make their way through the maze of a world of Herods who profess to be interested in light and the source of that light but in truth want only to extinguish the light of faith. The presence of the guiding light of the star gives comfort and reassurance to the Magi and in fact elicits a true joy in their hearts when they see the star return after their visit to Herod.
As children of the light we are called from baptism to be a star shining brightly and guiding others to Christ Jesus. It is so easy for us to get lured in by the Herods of the world who want to establish their own light in the world and are constantly seeking to rid the world of the light of Christ, the light of faith, the light of a reason founded in truth. Some politicians of our day would tell the world that our nation is no longer a Christian nation guided by the sure light of Christ that has led us through so many dark times. Like Herod they profess to have good intentions but they have no intentions of giving homage to Christ but of instead establishing a secular substitute. As Christians we need to recognize that a secular humanistic socialism is no substitute for the true light of faith that leads us to worship Jesus Christ as our Lord. We are called to be the stars in this world of darkness that will lead others to the sure light of Christ, our only true hope of salvation.
Our celebration of the Epiphany reminds us that our lives are a journey of discovery. Every person has a deep desire for the transcendent, for something more than what our world has to offer. This desire is experienced as a desire for a true love that will never fail and for a truth that can guide us throughout our lives and lead us to the fullness of human life. This desire in our hearts, like the desire of the Magi, leads us to search for a sign, for a light to guide us on our journey. At first we see this light from afar and do not know where it will lead us. We follow the light of love and truth that will lead all people surely to Jesus the Christ who is the Light of the World. Our first task is to purify our desires and to direct our desires to something that is truly worthy of our dignity as human persons. God has placed a true desire for love and truth within each human person but often that desire is disordered by lust and narcissism or self-love. Once we have purified our desire we can set out confidently on our journey of faith to follow the star where it may lead us. When we come to Christ Jesus we know the fullness of joy when we recognize the one who is our heart’s desire. He is the sign of innocence, new life, purity, simplicity, humility and true peace. Arriving at the Christ Child, Jesus, we experience the true hallmark of the Epiphany experience – wonder! To look upon Christ Jesus with awe and wonder and truly take in the depth of the love of God for humanity, helps us to see the world in a new light and to set out on a new way.
Epiphany teaches us to see not only with our eyes but with our hearts and in faith. In the light of the Word Incarnate we look in wonder and awe at what God is revealing to us and the profound love that he has for us. We contemplate these deep truths of life and learn to see with the vision of the saints and angels and as Mary who pondered and treasured the work of God in her life in her heart. We then can also become God’s stars shining brightly in world that needs to be led from darkness to light. May the light of Christ lead us on to the perfect light of the Kingdom.