Religious Education Fees 2024-2025
3-4 years old PreK : $50
Grades K-8 : One child: $130 • Two children $150 • Three children $170
Additional $130/child for Confirmation
Class schedule
3-4 year old Sunday 9:30 am Mass
K-5 Sunday 10:45 am – noon
K-5 Monday 4 pm – 5:15 pm
K-5 Family Model
K-5 Online Model
Gr. 6-8 Tuesday 6:30 pm – 7:45 pm
Confirmation 1 Sunday 3:45pm – 5pm
Confirmation 2 Sunday 6:15pm – 7:30 pm
Learn about our different programs for children from PreK-Confirmation.
Spread your faith, teach the young!
Teaching in our Religious Education program is a great way to answer His call. Jesus calls all of us to “fish for people”. You can pass along one of your highest values to the next generation and grow in your own faith. Experience is not necessary, only a burning desire to say “Yes” to Jesus. Please call Patty at 760.607.5014 or email [email protected]
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