May the Holy Spirit fill their hearts with the truth!
“Restore us, O God: let thy face shine, that we may be saved.”
~Psalm 80:3 RSV
The registration fee (TBA) per person includes 2 nights of housing in dorms, 5 meals, and all conference costs. Spots are limited and will be awarded on first come first serve basis upon receipt of full payment. Make your checks payable to St. Elizabeth Seton with your child’s name on the memo. Scholarships are available, please see Reanna for more information.
For more information about Steubenville.
Steubenville San Diego is a Catholic conference for teens. And it is so much more than a conference! It’s a retreat weekend and a transformational experience! Evangelistic in nature, authentically Catholic, Steubenville San Diego is a weekend filled with great speakers, engaging music, reverent Mass and prayer, and tremendous fellowship. Through powerful witness, inspiring worship and dynamic liturgies, Steubenville San Diego offers youth, young adults and leaders the opportunity to encounter Christ and to see the truth and beauty of our Church. To be loved so that they may go out into the world and love one another!
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