Welcome to St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church. We serve the Catholic community in south Carlsbad with a variety of ministries for fellowship and spiritual growth. Our parish has over 30 ministries serving our community. This is a great way to get involved and feel connected to your parish.  Join us and show us how we can make our parish amazing! Click on a ministry listed below for more information. To reserve a room, check the Full Calendar . To request an update on a ministry contact or description, please send an email to [email protected]. This list was updated on July 2024. Please share our ministries with your network.


  • Altar Committee

    Karen L'Heureuex
    [email protected]
    Once a week, the altar cloths in the chapel and main church will be checked to see if they need to be replaced. Those linens, towels and purificators will be washed, ironed and returned to the linen drawers in the sacristy by Friday of the week they were picked up. The holy water font at the exit doors will be checked to see if they are clean and in need of water. Each member is only required to perform this task about twice every six months.
  • Altar Servers

    Gracelyn Sommerville
    [email protected]
    Altar servers, boys and girls, are the youth of our parish who assist the celebrant in a liturgical service. They can start after their First Communion and continue for as long as they desire. Altar servers serve once a month, or as often as they want depending on their availability.
    Periodic training sessions are conducted for new recruits as required, and detailed instruction sheets are provided to remind them of their duties.
    Read on The Heavenly Role of an Altar Server: Represent the Angels and Saints
  • Art and Environment

    My Linh Mueller
    [email protected]
    This ministry works with our pastor and floral designer to plan appropriate arrangements for our special feasts and celebrations. They coordinate the altar environment for the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. Volunteers are helpful in assisting with the preparation of the liturgical space to enhance the sacred.
  • Eucharistic Ministers

    Dodie Shoen
    [email protected]
    Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist serve the Body and Blood of Christ during Communion at Mass. Ministers must have received the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation. They are scheduled only during the Mass they attend regularly.
  • Lectors

    John Duddy
    [email protected]
    The Bible is God’s Word, and Jesus is the Word made flesh. The Lector, through study, preparation, and practice of oratorical skills, gives flesh to the Word in the First and Second Readings, strengthening Christ’s presence in the Liturgy.
  • Music Ministry

    My-Linh Mueller
    [email protected]
    Music ministers (vocal and instrumental) provide music for the Sunday Masses and other liturgies throughout the year. All ages are welcome and no experience is required. 9:30am Choir focus on traditional hymns and anthems with SATB voicing.
    11:30 am Choir mix of contemporary and traditional with basic harmonies.
    5 pm Sunday Youth Worship Team sings contemporary praise and worship style.
    Children’s Choir sings at Christmas and Easter.
  • Ushers

    Robert Jordan
    [email protected]
    Ushers assist the Priest, Eucharistic Ministers and Parishioners at each of the Saturday and Sunday Masses, and those special Holy Days throughout the year. We are here to provide a warm welcome to everyone who enter our church. We assist those looking for a place to sit, collection of money and distribution of bulletins.

Religious Education

  • Library

    Lori Joyce
    [email protected]
    Volunteers welcome! Email us
    Library Hours are whenever the Conference Center is open.
    ~When we pray we speak to God; but when we read, God speaks to us. St Jerome
    Did you know the parish library has over 2000 titles with topics ranging from the Apostles to Zeal? Our beautiful and extensive library is located in the Conference Center; once you enter via the main front door, the library is immediately to your right. You can find Bibles and material on Bible Study; Biographies; Catholic Doctrine; Catholicism (many question and answer books); Church and Papal History; Family Issues; Grief; Holy Interruption; Jesus; Parental and Marriage Issues; Prayer and Devotion; Saints; Self-Awareness; Spirituality; and Theology; Music, books on CDs, and DVDs round out the collection. We also have a section for Children and Teens. Our books are listed by subject in the online and print catalogs. Books may be borrowed for 3 weeks and may be renewed. Find information about the checkout process in the library. Material constantly is being updated, so keep checking us out!
    View the Library Catalog
    Currently we are not accepting adult book donations; however, we are accepting very recently published children and teen books - those published between 2020 -2022.
  • Religious Education

    Patty Mann
    [email protected]
    Program information
    Religious Education for K-5th grade.
    Sunday at 10:45 am
    Mon at 4:00 pm.
    Held at the Parish and Conference Centers during the traditional school year.

    Reanna Layba Castro
    [email protected]
    Program information
    Religious Education for Middle School and Confirmation
    Pass along the faith to the next generation. Teach or assist in our religious education program. Your commitment is two hours a week for preparation and teaching time. Seeing young people grow closer to God is your reward. September through May. For more information on Religious Education Programs
  • OCIA • Order of Christian Initiation of Adults & Children • Baptism Classes

    Patty Mann
    [email protected]
    OCIA classes are for adults who have not been baptized; those who have been baptized in other Christian religions and wish to become Catholic; and Catholics who need to complete their initiation with Confirmation and/or Holy Communion.
    We invite you to join our Inquiry classes. These classes are made available for you to ask your questions about the Catholic faith before joining the OCIA program. We meet selected Wednesday's from 6 – 7 pm in the Conference Center. RSVP required.
  • Wednesday Bible Study

    Patty Mann
    [email protected]
    Wednesday from 9:30 am - 10:30 am at the Parish Center
    Prepare for the coming Sunday's readings in a small group atmosphere.


  • Brother Benno

    Dennis Ofcacek
    [email protected]
    Uplifting the dignity of the poor and homeless. We serve breakfast and hand out sack lunches twice a month from 6:00 am - 8:00 am. There is also a need for volunteers to help sort clothing and work in the clothing outlet.
  • Christian Service Project (Fr. Joe's Villages)

    Ron & Linda Lukasiewicz
    [email protected]
    This is a combined Christian Service/Social event. Our group will be serving dinner and providing encouragement to the recovering homeless and then gathering to share dinner and socialize at a local restaurant. We meet eight times per year on a Saturday evening starting in January at
    Fr. Joe's Villages
    1501 Imperial Ave.
    San Diego, CA 92010
    This event is open to all members of our community including teenagers who want to participate in Christian Service projects. Children above the age of 10 years old are welcome to participate, if accompanied by a parent.
    We meet in the church lower parking lot at 3:00 PM and leave for Fr. Joe’s Villages at 3:05 PM. When we arrive, we have access to secure underground parking. After check-in, we serve dinner to approximately 300 people cafeteria style. The Dining facility staff does all of the food preparation. Our work will be complete by 6:30 PM. We need 6 volunteers per event. Join us on these dates:
    June 24 • July 22 • Aug 26 • Sept 23 • Nov 18
  • Knights of Columbus

    Marty Marion, Grand Knight
    [email protected]
    Our council here at SES is dedicated to the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. We assist the surrounding community and this parish by providing funds and manpower for charitable activities and fundraisers. Social and spiritual fellowship is promoted among members and their families. Our council has over 200 members and hosts a number of activities throughout the year. The Knight's of Columbus at St. Elizabeth Seton sponsors 5 seminarians each year, awards scholarships for students from this parish and is involved in numerous other projects that assist the church in fulfilling the mission to serve the Lord.
  • Mental Health St. Dymphna

    Mimi Gaines
    [email protected]
    3rd Tuesday from 7 pm - 8:30 pm at the Fireside Room in the Parish Center.
    Have you or a loved one had your life affected by any form of mental illness, anxiety, depression, addiction, eating disorder, post-partum depression, bipolar disorder, suicide, dementia? Please join our new ministry to help support those going through mental illness.
    *St. Dymphna is the patron saint of mental illness. Her feast day is on May 15.
  • Ministry to the Sick and Homebound

    Christine Bellefontaine
    Volunteers from the parish bring the comfort of the Eucharist and prayers of our faith community to the sick or homebound in their homes, nursing homes, nursing residences and group homes. The ministry to the sick and home bound is primarily geared to bringing the Holy Eucharist to those unable to attend Mass. Additionally, volunteers keep the Pastor informed of people who need the sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the sick. To assist persons who are able to benefit by them, ministers bring various materials such as rosaries, prayer books (large print), the weekly bulletin and or other materials as appropriate.
    Bringing the Eucharist to those in need is a great blessing and privilege for those who feel called to do so. Praise the Lord!
  • Nazareth Orphanage

    Stephen Laskero
    Project Coordinator
    [email protected]
    Join us on Facebook
    Led by Fr. Brian Kelly, the community at St. Elizabeth Seton has supported the ministry at Nazareth Orphanage in Tecate, Mexico. Service projects have included painting interior and exterior buildings, washing windows, made new curtains, planted trees and a vegetable garden, as well as monetary donations of any size. We travel to the orphanage four Saturdays during the schoolyear.
  • Nursery

    Joy Griffith

    Jamie Austria
    [email protected]
    The Sunday Nursery is committed to providing excellent childcare while parents attend Mass. Contact us if you are able to volunteer one hour a month. Teens may also earn service hours by volunteering. Let us play while you pray!
  • Women's Auxiliary

    Liz Connolly
    [email protected]

    Monthly Meetings, September through June in the Parish Social Center with Refreshments and Presentations, 2nd Mondays 9:30-11 am, or Special Events, 2nd Saturdays 11:30am-1:00pm

    Our Mission: Spiritual Growth • Service • Community
    The Women’s Auxiliary is a Service Ministry calling the women of St Elizabeth Seton Parish to companionship in a faith-filled community.
    Benefits of Membership
    • Spiritual enrichment programs, volunteer opportunities, social events.
    • Prayer groups, meals in times of need, transportation assistance.
    • Monthly meetings (no fee), included in $20 annual membership dues.
    Spiritual Growth
    We encourage growth in faith by sponsoring Advent and Lenten Retreats, inspirational presentations, prayer requests, and May Crowning of Mary. We call upon St Elizabeth Seton to help us embrace our roles and responsibilities as women. We pray together, encourage and comfort one another in sickness and loss.
    The Women’s Auxiliary is a unique service organization of the parish, calling all women of the parish to share their unique talents to support and enrich our parish life and reach out to those in need.
    We sponsor social events, such as Bake Sales, Craft Fair, Teddy Bear Tea, Christmas and St Patrick’s Day Potlucks and more, that build lasting friendships. We recognize and value that our members have family and other commitments, and welcome them to participate in events as their schedules allow.
    Come Join Us in serving our Parish!


  • Catholic Men's Monthly Social Gathering at local Microbreweries (21 yrs and up)

    John O'Reilly
    Frank Matchura
    Jerry Soltys
    [email protected]
    Get to know your fellow Catholic men in the relaxed casual atmosphere of a local microbrewery. We meet monthly on a Sunday at a different local microbrewery at 3 pm. No agenda other than to be there having a great time, offering support to one another, listening and talking - and trying out some of the best local brews. We use the parish tool “Flocknotes'' to send out email and text announcements. John can help you sign up for Flocknotes. Cheers!
  • Catholic Widows and Widowers

    [email protected]
    We offer opportunities for Widows and Widowers from St. Elizabeth Seton and other North County parishes to meet and enjoy various activities. Members have experienced a similar loss so we reach out and support one another.
    We gather for communal Mass and have an active social calendar, potlucks in parishes, dining out, walks, theater, and concerts at sites throughout North County. Our members volunteer to help us plan and host. Check out our website CWWNC.com for more information. We invite you to attend several events to get to know us before you decide to join.
  • Family Ministry

    [email protected]
    Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer. Romans 12:12
    A new ministry (est. 2016) forming to foster fellowship and spiritual growth with other families in the parish. It "takes a village" so your involvement is always welcome and encouraged.
    Marriage and Family Resources
    • Diocese of San Diego: Family Life and Spirituality
    • For Your Marriage Website - an initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Covering all related topics.
    • Family Fully Alive Booklet - Building the Domestic Church: Prayers, Meditations, and Activities to enrich your family life.
    Catholic Charities - Clinical Services.
    Click here for more Resources
    Please sign up to receive emails and reminders of upcoming Family events.
    Join our private Facebook group
  • Ministers of Hospitality

    Carolyn Reinmiller
    [email protected]
    Have you walked into church lately and been greeted by a friendly smile, a "Hello, welcome!" or even a warm hug and a handshake? Then you have experienced what the Ministers of Hospitality are all about!
    The Ministers of Hospitality are outgoing individuals who express the love of the Holy Spirit by greeting people as they come into Mass to let them know how welcome and cherished they are at St. Elizabeth Seton. We also have an information table to help answer questions for new and current parishioners about upcoming events, ministries, and other activities.
    Everyone wants to feel welcome. This is the easiest ministry and only requires 15 minutes of your time before the Mass you regularly attend.
  • The MomCo (Mom Community) at St. Elizabeth Seton

    Kimberly Simon
    Kristin Mikolajczak
    [email protected]
    Learn more...TheMomCo
    We meet at St. Elizabeth Seton Church in the Parish Center, two Tuesdays a month from 9am to 11:15am, September-May. There are a limited number of childcare spots available - register early! MomCo is a ministry that allows mothers of children of all ages to come together for conversation and friendship, enrich our faith as mothers, make connections with other moms, and help each other be the best moms we can be, all while experiencing God’s love through relationships and resources in partnership with the Church. We offer a variety of social activities throughout the month, such as play dates and moms’ nights out. Please come and join us!
  • New Parishioner Welcoming

    Anne and Tom Donahoe
    [email protected]
    We know how it feels to be new to a parish, and we know how important it is to connect with other local Catholics. We hope that any new, or prospective St. Elizabeth parishioners will feel free to send us an email with questions, suggestions, comments or just to have someone at church to talk to! We coordinate a proper Welcoming at our New Parishioner’s Event.
  • Young Adults (18-35 years)

    Reanna Layba Castro
    [email protected]
    Thursdays 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
    Upper Parish Center

    Young Adults! We would like to hear from you! Events could include:
    •Young Adult Mass
    •Bible Studies
    •Praise and Worship nights
    •Theology on Tap
    •Game Nights
    •Prayer Nights
    • Social Gatherings
    • Retreats and so much more.
    We want to build a group that fits your needs and helps you grow closer to Christ, but in order to do that we need to hear from you. Please email, call or stop by the Youth Ministry office anytime Monday-Thursday from 10 am - 6:30 pm.


  • 40 Days for Life

    Tony DePaola
    [email protected]
    40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God's power through prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil to end abortion.
    The mission of the campaign is to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused 40 day campaign of prayer, fasting, and peaceful activism, with the purpose of repentance, to seek God's favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life, thus bringing an end to abortion.
    From Sept 23 to Nov 1, 2015, our community, together with many others from coast to coast - and internationally - participated in a major simultaneous pro-life mobilization-40 Days for Life Campaign. Faithful believers were praying to the end of abortion.
    Watch 40 Days for Life Video
  • Adoration

    24 Hour Adoration (First Friday of the month)
    Marissa Cuevas
    Tammy Anderson
    [email protected]
    Sign up for 24 hour Adoration

    Other Fridays (9:30 am - 4 pm)
    24 hour Adoration is on the First Friday of the month, ending in Benediction before the First Saturday Mass. All other Fridays, Adoration is after the 8:30 a.m Friday Mass ending in Benediction at 4pm.
    Parishioners are invited to spend an hour of prayer and reflection. This is a wonderful way to find peace, love and joy with Jesus. Learn more about Adoration
  • Divine Mercy

    Zarina Cruz
    [email protected]
    1st and 3rd Friday from 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm at the Conference Center
    Join this lay outreach ministry and learn how to integrate the Divine Mercy message and devotion into your daily life through prayers, dialogue and discussion. Guided by readings from the Holy Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Diary of St. Faustina.
    We also say the Divine Mercy Chaplet Mon-Fri at 9:10 am after the daily mass.
  • Funeral Mass Preparation

    Funeral Mass Preparation and Guidance - "Life is Changed, not Ended."

    Liz Littel
    [email protected]
    We will guide you in planning the Vigil, Funeral Mass, Reception and Committal Services upon the death of your Loved One.
  • Gathering of Men and Women

    John Pullman
    [email protected]
    We begin our meeting with the Gathering of Men and Women Prayer. We pray that Jesus Walk with us, talk with us, gather with us. We watch a faith-based video after our prayer. Bishop Robert Barron describes his Catholicism series as A stimulating and compelling explanation of the spiritual, moral, and intellectual riches of the Catholic world. This is the Catholic story told from inside, with knowledge, sympathy, and passion, rooted in friendship with Jesus Christ. We conclude with a discussion about the important points of the video. Our closing prayer is a Prayer for the Salvation of all Souls.
  • Legion of Mary

    Stephanie Watts
    [email protected]
    or Edi 760.798.2610
    Thursdays from 4 pm - 5:30 pm at the Conference Center Room 1
    The Legion of Mary is an association of Catholics dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our gathering always start with the recitation of the Rosary. Service to the community is also an important part of the Legion. Submit a Prayer Request.
  • MOSES (The Men of St. Elizabeth Seton)

    Steve Sowle
    [email protected]
    Saturday mornings at 6:30 am - 8 am (September to April) at the Parish Hall
    The MOSES Group has one goal: to make better Catholics, better husbands, and better fathers of all the men of St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Parish. We invite men of all ages, from any parish, Catholic or not, but our special desire is to help those men with children at home. Those men have the most influence over their kids and our future leaders. We exist to support them and, not coincidentally, everyone walks away with a better feeling about their church, more resolve, and armed with more knowledge about today’s Catholic man, husband, and father. MOSES meets formally September to April on Saturdays at 6:30 AM (experience has shown that’s the best time to attract today’s busy, busy Dad). We serve a light breakfast, listen to a video, then discuss the video in small groups. We finish by 8 AM.
    During the 2022 spring session, we studied and discussed Word on Fire’s Catholicism series by Bishop Robert Barron. We haven’t settled on a theme for the 2022 fall session , but count on it to help St. Elizabeth Seton’s men to be better Catholics, better husbands, and better fathers.
  • Pro Life Ministry

    Bernie Montoya
    [email protected]
    • The SES Prolife ministry supports policies and services that assist pregnant women to make life-affirming choices.
    • We advocate for restrictions on the practice and public funding of abortion.
    • We support stem cell research that does not destroy or clone human embryos.
    • We support patient-focused, quality end-of-life care.
    • We oppose legalizing assisted suicide.
    • We oppose the use of the death penalty.
    • We support our local Pregnancy Medical Center
  • Serra Club (St. Junipero Serra)

    Ellen Hearne
    [email protected]
    Serra International (named after St. Junipero Serra), works to advance vocations to the priesthood and religious life through information, affirmation, invitation and prayer under the guidance of each club’s diocese.
    We all have a vocation to serve the church by reason of our baptism into membership of God's family. We fulfill that call by choosing a lifestyle that fits our talent, desires, hopes and needs. Pray that the Holy Spirit inspires men and women in greater numbers to accept this invitation to build His kingdom as dedicated priests, deacons and religious.
  • Women's Christian Fellowship

    Angie Lake
    Cathee Smith (Tue evening group)
    [email protected]
    Follow us on Facebook
    Tuesday at 7 pm or
    Thursday at 9:30 am
    WCF is a vibrant, joy-filled group of women of all ages and walks of life who gather together to share our love for God. We accomplish this through Bible Study, Prayer, Worship with Songs of Praise and loving Fellowship, and guest speakers who visit throughout the school year.
    Two Healing Masses are held every year; one in the Fall and one in the Spring. Two luncheons are hosted for an opportunity for Evangelization and Fellowship. WCF offers an Annual Retreat where we bring in world renowned speakers to be our guest speakers as well as our local Holy Priests for Confessions and Retreat Support.
    WCF was founded by Angie Lake in October 1979 and celebrated its 36th year in 2015. There are close to 200 women who register each year. They are supported and discipled by WCF leaders who meet the day before each week’s meetings to prepare and pray before the general meeting on Thursday mornings, 9:30am to noon during the school year. Each week’s meetings are followed by an opportunity for personal prayer from prayer teams from 12:00pm – 1:00pm.
    There is an opportunity to register and be oriented at each week’s meetings. All women are welcome. We invite you to Come and See! God Bless.